Monday, November 27, 2006


Hometown Church
by T.Kinkade

If you ask me why I began to write and post this course I have a simple answer: I owe too much to my Lord. At the age of 50, I din't loose yet my passion to follow the thoughts the Holy Spirit fills in my heart. I have been doing this to glorify Jesus Christ, the only son of our Father, the true andLive God. I believe in the promisse of Isaiah 53:10-13, that the word of God has power for itself. Even thoug I come to die some years ahead, the words I have typed here will remain for many decades speaking to hearts of hundreds, thousands and who knows: milions!

I will not write teologicals fundaments, but practicals things I learnt and felt during this 32 years of faith, that certainly you will not find at any book. They are my idiosyncrasy.

I leave teology to others teach you. I will just write things I heard fron the second generation of brazilian pentecostal protestant pastors, that by their time, listened to the first missionaries that came to Brazil from Sweden. The kind of leadership we have today, the third an fourth generation have not the same vision as the first ones. Unhappily.

Now my favorites verses: Fillipians 3:13-14 "... but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

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