Ten steps
The first step to be closer to God is Faith. We live in a World that rationalizes things. “Everything you see or feel is real” Faith is not so. Faith is an exception. Faith comes by hearing. To hear God’s word. For example: a person with an advanced cancer. Your reason may say: she is going to die. Then, someome comes, prays and he become healled. There is no a rational explanation. That is: we could not explain, see, touch, feel, but faith exists and works.
The Christ Gospel is accepted by faith. Impossible things can be possible. Closed doors can be opened. Pain can be changed in days of joy, by mean of faith. The Bible, also says: faith is not for all.’ Faith is like a seed in your heart, while you expect what you need for , it may grow up. But If you have all things under control, maybe you guess faith an idiot thing. In the other side, if you are empty, sad, worthless, please continue to read this message and go ahead.
If you are thirsty, this message was written to you. Remember: by faith in Christ you can win many battles and the war, at the end. Faith, is the first step to become a son of God.
The second step is to reconcile with God. It seems to be quite simple but it is not so. There are some details you need to understand. To reconcile with God means: to accept Christ in your heart. How could it be? Find a place to be alone, and speak to Christ as if He be aside you. Speak to Him, say something like that: "Jesus Christ, if you do exist, please come and dwell in my heart, from today on". Talk to him, invite Him. He is very polite, He will only come if you ask Him for.
Jesus Christ is a spirit, but be sure he is a real person like you. The way He will speak to you is a little bit differente that you are accostumed to comprehend. He speak to our own spirit. It seems one voice that talk to your mind or to your heart. Can you imagine a voice that you feel istead to hear? Your heart compress and your eyes wet and a wonderful peace fills suddenly feels you.
The third step is repentance. Look for a quiet place and talk to Him again. This time, you shall to confess to Jesus Christ your sins, all bad things you have done during all you life. See this case: certain woman go down to the river to wash some dirty clothes wrapped in a sheet. For her clothes were very dirty, she became ashamed and did not unwraped that sheet. She, simply, went to the middle of the river, sank the sheet of clothes and went away home. She only wet her clothes. Therefore they were still dirty.
To wash your sins and clean your heart you have to wash every one like a piece of clothe. One by one. To do it correctly, make a list of all and confess them to Jesus. All of them at once. Confess and stop to do them. When you get out of that place be sure: all things you spoke to Jesus, He , in fact, already forgave you. The Forgiving brings peace in your soul and joy to your heart.
The fourth step: abandon your "old" friends, because they should make all things for you give up. I mean: change your friends for new friends. Cut old and bad friendship.
The fifth step. - Ask Jesus( The Lord ) what you need for, and by faith, believe and await. All basic things you will receive. Healing, emploiement, peace, safeness. “Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him” Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
The sixth step - forgive bad things people did against you. You must forgive to be forgiven. Forgive yourself, pray to Lord Jesus to help you to forget the past. In Bible there are these words: "...But one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus". Let all your failures for behind. Dream about the future.
The seventh step is : read the bible everyday and join to a good protestant church, where people live what they preach, without hypocrisy. It is very important also that this church teaches the need of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Learn as much as you can about the God's Word.
The eight step is: be saint. Leave sin away from your life. God has a compromisse with holiness. If you do so, the Lord will be your close friend.
The nineth step - whenever you go to a service at your Church, dond't forget to offer part of your income.
The tenth step - Find the will of God for your life and work to please Him. Don't be a useless and a lazy person. Work to Lord Jesus.
Conclusion: there will be many other steps, but these words are able to make your reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ. Now you can know to speak your needs to God for yourself.
Greetings in the name of Jesus,
Author: Joao Cruzue
For copies, mention my credit.
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